How does club membership work? Is there a fee to join the club?
There are no fees. Just join our Slack group. Note that you must sign up with a valid @g.ucla.edu or @ucla.edu email. If you do not have an email with this domain, please fill out this form to join the Slack group.
The Slack invite link is broken! What should I do?
Submit this form. You will be sent an invite to the Slack group via email.
It’s February and I just found out about this club. Can I still join?
Yes, you can join at any time.
I am a graduate student. Can I still join?
Yes, both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome!
When is the next club meeting? How often are club meetings held?
General club meetings are usually held once a month, or 2-3 times per quarter. The exact dates vary, so please join our Slack group where we announce all upcoming meetings.
How do I sign-up for the club newsletter?
Fill out this form. You will be automatically added to the mailing list after submitting the form.
When is the next trip? Do you have a schedule of upcoming trips and events?
Join our Slack group to stay updated on all upcoming trips and events. All trips are announced in the #announcements channel.
What types of trips can I join?
We usually conduct camping, backpacking, or day-hiking trips. We may also conduct other types of trips, depending on club plans for the year.
I have never hiked, camped, or backpacked before. Can I still join a trip?
All details about the recommended level of experience for each trip are announced in the trip-specific Slack channel. Please see the question below for how to join the trip-specific Slack channel.
How do I sign up for a trip?
Look out for a trip announcement in the #announcements channel, where a trip-specific Slack channel is linked. If you are interested in a trip, you must join the trip-specific Slack channel where a Google form is released to sign up for the trip. The Google form will only be released in the trip-specific Slack channel.
How much do trips cost?
Costs vary by trip. Costs for each trip can be found on the Google form used to sign up for the trip. See the previous question for how to sign-up for a trip and access the Google form.
How committed do I have to be as a member of the club?
You can feel free to participate as little or as much as you like in the club. You only need to be committed if you are a staff member. See the question below for how to join the staff team.
How do I join the staff team?
We conduct applications every year, usually in the fall and/or spring. The application involves answering questions on a Google form. There is also an interview if you are invited. Application cycles are announced in the #announcements channel.
What does the staff team do?
We lead trips and handle all logistics for the club!
Do you have any recommendations for a camping or backpacking trip that I can plan by myself?
We have many resources on our website to help you plan your own trips! Please refer to the “Resources” tab. If you are unsure of where to go for your trip, you can click on “Where to Go” under the “Resources” tab for our staff-curated recommendations of camping and backpacking trips, which include information on campsites, hikes, itineraries, etc.
My question wasn’t answered in this FAQ. Who do I ask?
You can reach out to us by:
-Email at uclabackpackingclub@gmail.com
-Direct message on Facebook or Instagram
-Direct message a staff member in the Slack group